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The Throne Speech delivered on April 12, 2021 highlighted actions government will take over the next year to ensure that B.C comes back from the pandemic stronger and more resilient. A few items that may be relevant for road transportation include:

  • making a more affordable and accountable ICBC to reduce insurance rates by an average of 20%;
  • investing in infrastructure projects including the George Massey Tunnel, Kicking Horse Canyon and additional Highway 1 upgrades;
  • providing funding through the StrongerBC Recovery Plan to add hundreds of kilometres of cell coverage on B.C. highways; and
  • supporting emission reduction in heavy-duty trucking through CleanBC and fostering clean-tech innovation and making it easier to buy electric vehicles.

We’ll provide more details once the BC Budget 2021 is released on April 20.

Click here for the Throne Speech release from the Office of the Premier.

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