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Throughout the pandemic our industry has continued to work tirelessly around the clock to ensure store shelves are stocked with essentials and the goods we take for granted.  BCTA is not only immensely grateful for your hard work and commitment, but we are also proud of the host of safety measures and social distancing protocols you have in place that has been so effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 in this sector.

We want to make certain that you continue to remain safe.  If you have not already, register for the COVID-19 vaccine by visiting the Government of BC website.  You will also find information on how to sign up with pharmacies in your community that are participating in the vaccination program.

If you are a motor carrier, please be sure to provide this information to your employees and drivers who are likely on the road transporting the goods we all depend on. BC’s vaccination strategy is responsive to a number of factors, such as vaccine availability and data on cases that is collected each day.  As it may change from one day to the next, it is a good idea to regularly communicate up-to-date information to your workforce. Please note that workers are entitled to up to three hours of paid leave for each COVID-19 vaccine appointment due to recent amendments to BC’s Employment Standards Act. These changes apply to both full and part-time employees and are now in effect, retroactive to April 19th.

BCTA will continue to provide any updates that pertains to our industry as they occur.

For more information on BC’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan, click here.

For more information on Provincial Health Orders, click here.

For more information on BC’s paid COVID-19 vaccination leave legislation, click here.

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