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BCTA member Hydra Energy will be converting a fleet of 65 heavy-duty trucks from diesel to hydrogen with the support from BC’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (BC LCFS).

In addition, Hydra Energy will receive LCFS credits worth a current market value of $1.9 million to build a hydrogen fuelling station in northeastern BC.  Trucks that currently operate on diesel will be retrofitted to transition to low-carbon byproduct hydrogen that will be captured at a local sodium-chlorate facility. These trucks will use 40 percent hydrogen fuel and will reduce emissions by 67 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per truck per year. Hydra Energy anticipates the station will be operational by early 2023.

The BC LCFS was introduced to reduce the carbon intensity (CI) of fuels used in BC and offers credits to fuel suppliers undertaking actions to increase the use of low-carbon fuels that would not occur otherwise.  The BC LCFS sets CI targets that decline each year.  Fuel suppliers generate credits for supplying fuels with a CI below the targets and receive debits for supplying fuels with a CI above the targets.

BCTA congratulates Hydra Energy for this initiative and their hydrogen-diesel co-combustion innovation that will significantly bend the carbon emissions curve and pave the way to cleaner trucking.


For more information on Hydra Energy, click here.

For more information on BC’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, click here.

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