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Effective for reporting periods that start on April 1, 2022, all taxpayers with motor fuel and carbon tax accounts on a scheduled filing frequency (i.e. monthly or quarterly) must file their tax returns online using eTaxBC. This free and secure online BC government application gives you access to a variety of online services where you can manage your accounts, file returns, and make payments securely.

Although you must file your returns using eTaxBC, you can still pay by cheque, electronic transfer of funds (EFT), or by using the PAD payment option within eTaxBC.

For more information on how to file your return in eTaxBC, see enrol for access to eTaxBC and the eTaxBC help guide for how to add a registered account, file returns, make payments, and customize account preferences.

Once you are enrolled in eTaxBC, you will receive an email notification stating when your next tax return is available for filing for each registered account.

Please visit the Government of BC website for more information.

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