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Please note that on-land bridge foundation construction will begin in New Westminster in the coming weeks. Work will begin with the bridge foundation located north of Columbia Street, then move to the foundation south of Columbia Street.


When this work is underway, some temporary lane closures and lane shifts may be required on Columbia Street and McBride Boulevard. All traffic pattern changes will be well-signed and traffic control personnel will be onsite.

Foundation construction is to begin November and continue into 2022. All general construction activities will occur 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The new four-lane toll-free bridge will provide:

  • A safer crossing for all bridge users with wider lanes, separated by a centre median barrier
  • Dedicated walking and cycling lanes, separated from traffic by a barrier on both sides of the bridge
  • Better connections to, from and near the bridge


The new bridge is scheduled to open in 2024. The existing bridge will remain in use until the new bridge is open to traffic. Once the new bridge is open, the existing bridge will be removed.

For more information on the project, visit the Pattullo Bridge Replacement website.

*Image courtesy of Transportation Investment Corporation

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