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BCTA would like to thank everyone who attended our Flood Relief Cross Border Webinar on Monday, December 13th.  We had a great response in registrations from carriers across the country who wanted to learn more about the requirements and temporary interim measures put in place for Canadian carriers to transport in the US. BCTA provided up-to-date information on available routes and discussed timelines and configuration of re-openings, as well as exemption deadlines.

We are also very grateful to our guest presenters who provided important information on US in-transit operations:


  • Jeff James, Division Administrator, Washington State Division, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration defined temporary operations under emergency notices, USDOT/MC/ICC numbers, and other requirements of compliance including hours of service, approved electronic logging devices, driver qualification, and drug and alcohol testing   
  • Hugh Hughson, Director Fuel & Carbon Tax, BC Ministry of Finance explained International Registration Plan (IRP) and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) registration and reporting
  • Charito MacKay, Manager Interjurisdictional Licensing Program, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia described IRP requirements as well as BC fees for prorate vehicles.
  • Breanna Leininger, Operations Manager, Pacific Customs Brokers Inc. presented information on US bonded carriers and answered questions about the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)/Advance Commercial Information (ACI) eManifest


Slide decks will be provided to all attendees, and resources from the material presented during the webinar will be made available on the BCTA flood update webpage in the next 24-48 hours. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about transporting in the US.   

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