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The BC Trucking Association was in-field from February 7, 2022, to March 4, 2022, with our annual BCTA Compensation Survey. Retention and recruitment continue to be well-known challenges in the industry, and the results from this survey provide robust benchmarking data for companies as well as for BCTA’s advocacy to address industry labour shortages of professional truck drivers.

We are committed to ensuring our members are equipped with benchmarking data to assist in the process of comparing our member’s compensation and benefit offerings with that of others. and making sure they are competitive.

BCTA’s 2022 Compensation Survey finds that BC’s truck transport sector is experiencing a vacancy rate of just over 20% for commercial drivers, despite a large year-over-year growth in the wage rate.  The 2022 Compensation Survey only surveyed trucking companies and did not include motor coach companies, and focused on all positions (not just drivers).

High-Level Highlights:

  • The response rate was very strong at 22.5%.
  • For respondents who noted they had company drivers and trucks, the average fleet size was 43.4 company owned trucks and the average number of drivers per fleet was 57 company drivers.
  • For respondents who noted they had owner operator drivers and trucks, the average was 56 owner-operator owned trucks and an average of 56 owner-operator drivers.
  • Over 3/4 of respondents noted a substantial increase in driver wages from this time last year and a significant increase in vacant positions.
  • Gender of all employees was 16.1% female vs. 84.1% male (21.3% female vs. 78.7% male 2021 survey).
  • Gender of drivers only was 3.4% female vs. 96.6% male (3.4% female vs. 96.6% male 2021 survey).
  • Majority of company drivers are paid by hour, whereas the majority of owner-operators are paid by a hybrid option, such as a combination of mile, percentage, trip rate, or monthly.
  • 10.2% of respondents noted that their company employees are unionized, 69.2% noted that they are not unionized and 20.5% noted they are both unionized and non-unionized.
  • When asked about benefits, 94.9% indicated that they did provide benefits and 5.1% indicated they do not provide benefits. Extended health and dental were the most common benefits provided for all employees.



Only members who completed the survey will have access to the aggregated data, providing a deep competitive advantage in BC’s commercial transportation sector's compensation data.

Company information remained confidential, and once aggregated, BCTA deleted all identifying details from the survey site. 

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