The following principles underlie BCTA's conduct, mission and vision:
- Our members are our valued customers — we exist to serve them.
- Our business relationships are mutually beneficial.
- We conduct our affairs with integrity and in accordance with responsible business principles.
- We encourage and support open communications, teamwork, innovation and risk taking.
- We contribute to the growth, diversification and economic well being of British Columbia.
To ensure our association and the industry remain strong and continue to grow, we strive:
- To increase the membership of BCTA, and
- To support the attraction of qualified human resources to the industry in BC.
Core Values
Our core values reflect the integrity with which BCTA and our membership will conduct business within our industry and our communities. Members must agree to abide by them, as follows:
- We believe in fair competition in a free marketplace and a healthy business environment based on services and prices established in compliance with all laws and regulations.
- We conduct our businesses in a manner that respects the highest reasonable, fair and effective standards of public safety and environmental stewardship. Conversely, we expect government to address persistent and serious non-compliance swiftly, certainly and severely.
- We treat our workers, customers, governments and the public with respect and expect to be treated likewise.
- Laws and programs governing the operation of trucks and motor coaches should be based on a comprehensive understanding of significant problems and effective, fair and efficient solutions while avoiding expensive and wasteful red tape that impairs productivity with no offsetting benefit.
- Advocacy by BCTA will be reasonable, responsible and informed and will be based on the needs of the industry as a whole, or significant sectors in the industry, and not the needs of individual carriers or companies.
- We subscribe to the protection of human rights. No individual or group of individuals within our influence is treated adversely or differently based on race, colour, religious belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender or age.
- Our workers are our most valuable asset. We provide them with the tools, training and resources to allow them to carry out their duties in a safe and responsible manner, manage the impact of change and to succeed in an ever-evolving marketplace.