Who needs to apply?
Commercial vehicle drivers, including bus drivers, who require access to the cruise ship terminal at Canada Place. The MTSC program is administered by Transport Canada. There is no additional cost for this process.
Note: Those who already have a FAST card or YVR clearance do not need to apply.
- Commercial drivers with FAST cards can enter as long as they agree to abide by the procedures and requirements identified by the operator of the marine facility or port administration. Other than a Port Pass, they do not require additional security clearance.
- Commercial drivers with YVR clearance can have BCTA request their clearance information be transferred to their Port Pass. Transfers can take up to one week.
Information for companies
Each company requiring staff to service the Cruise Ship terminal is required to email vcr.portpass@ssamarine.com.
Email vcr.portpass@ssamarine.com