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BCTA encourages members who will be affected by highway closures related to the Kicking Horse Canyon Project to join our communications working group, which is scheduled to meet with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure representatives for a project update on December 1, 2020, from 10 to 11:30 am.

Phase 4 of the Kicking Horse Canyon Project is the final project phase and includes four-laning and other improvements along 4.8 km of Highway 1 east of Golden, from West Portal to Yoho Bridge. The realignment and expansion to create four lanes will require full highway closures. Construction was to have started this fall, but the contract was not formalized until November 6, 2020.

Our December 1st meeting, which is virtual, will focus on:

  1. An update from the MoTI Kicking Horse Canyon Project team, including when highway closures may begin; and
  2. A discussion of outstanding BCTA Working Group Committee asks in support of efficient and safe movement of goods, including:
    - Additional commercial parking / chain-up areas on Highway 93
    Additional cell towers to improve reception

To join the BCTA Working Group and receive details on signing into this meeting, please e-mail Cory Paterson, BCTA vice president, at

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