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The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has implemented a protocol banning heavy trucks from the far-left lane at Larson Hill on the Coquihalla in both directions, as of November 20, 2020.

The restriction mirrors an existing ban for heavy trucks in the far-left lane on Snowshed Hill, launched in 2018 as a pilot project. The closure is intended to allow improved access for emergency vehicles and snowplows in the case of a full highway closure, for weather-related and other emergencies.

BCTA President & CEO Dave Earle gave an interview to Radio NL in Kamloops on the new restrictions for Larson Hill, which were implemented without advance warning. There is new signage regarding the restriction along the route. See “Far left lane now off limits for commercial vehicles on section of Coquihalla Highway,” by Colton Davies, Radio NL, November 20, 2020 (accessed online November 23, 2020).

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