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By Marisha Tardif, Trucking HR Canada

Federally regulated employers will have new obligations to address workplace harassment and violence starting on January 1, 2021. Making sense of what’s required under these changes to the Canada Labour Code can be a challenge. What’s more, the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations introduce many concepts and practices that might be new and unfamiliar.

On November 30, 2020, Trucking HR Canada hosted an informational webinar to help federally regulated stakeholders prepare for the new Regulations. Key details were discussed about the training courses and resources that will help employers meet new legal requirements. We partnered with Miguel Mangalindan – a senior associate from Monkhouse Law who specializes in employment law. Miguel provided an insightful overview of the ins-and-outs of new employer obligations and explained the first steps that employers can take to get ready for January 1st. After his presentation, THRC fielded questions from the audience.

One theme stood out in the Q&A – who is the Designated Recipient, who can be appointed as a Designated Recipient, and how does this work?

Learn more about the Designated Recipient and how to appoint one for your operation, as well as other compliance requirements and related tools at

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