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Communications Specialist Shelley McGuinness has announced her retirement. Her last day at BCTA is Thursday, February 18, 2021.

Shelley joined BCTA in October 2007. Since then, she has produced well over 5,000 Bulletin articles (at a quick guesstimate), 14 annual reports, many media releases and editorials, over 4,800 tweets on BCTA’s behalf (since 2013, not a guesstimate), dozens of speeches (former President & CEO Louise Yako and Dave Earle wrote/write their own) and a varied collection of BCTA promotional material. Shelley has also participated in or acted as BCTA lead on special projects like Trucking in British Columbia: An Illustrated History. She’s tinkered in the backend of three versions of (the new one is coming soon; she apologizes for the long delay) and worked closely with staff and developers on improvements and fixes.

Shelley has been working a four-day week since August and virtually from her home office in Kamloops since November 2020, when she and husband Ross Armstrong, who also recently retired, moved to the Interior from Surrey.

If you’d like to connect with Shelley before February 18, you can reach her at To fellow staff, BCTA members and chairpersons, and many industry contacts, “It’s been an education and a pleasure,” she says.

BCTA is accepting applications for a Communications Specialist until February 14, 2021. The position will serve both BCTA and SafetyDriven—Trucking Safety Council of BC; you can expect an introduction to the new Communications Specialist in an upcoming Bulletin.

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