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New and updated out-of-service criteria for commercial motor vehicles go into effect on April 1, 2021. Order copies of the latest North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria Handbook and Pictorial from BCTA before March 1, 2021.

The new edition includes updates as follows:

  • Part I details violations that would place a driver out of service. The 2021 OOSC includes updates clarifying the use of an automatic onboard recording device vs. an electronic logging device by US drivers, the addition of “record of duty status” terminology along with “daily log” (for the Canadian ELD mandate), and acknowledgement that a driver in Canada who is found without an ELD but is still completing another form of a RODS will currently not be placed out of service (in comparison to the US).
  • Part II identifies violations that would put a vehicle OOS. For 2021, the handbook clarifies requirements for lighting devices (and, heads up, lighting is one of the themes of this year’s International Roadcheck).

As well, the 2021 handbook includes inspection bulletins and policies and inspection procedures (in the Appendix) updated since April 1, 2020.

The OOS Criteria is available from BCTA at $60 for members/$75 for non-members. To order, please complete and send this form to BCTA by March 1, 2021. LINK

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