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BCTA is calling on all members to participate in the provincial consultations on the widening of Highway 1 between 216th and 264th Streets by March 19, 2021 with the ask to 6-lane Highway 1 to Hope, to build all overpasses to a minimum height clearance of 6m, and to ensure all bypasses and roundabouts can accommodate oversized vehicles, including turnpike double long combination vehicles.

Attached is a template letter our members can use to highlight our asks for the upgrades on Highway 1.

The template letter reflects BCTA’s priorities of public safety, the environment, affordability, while also increasing Western Canada’s trade abilities, BCTA recommends that Highway 1, from 216 Street to Hope be upgraded as follows:

  1. Six-laned, to accommodate current and future road demands in a manner that promotes road safety and efficient movement of people and goods;
  2. All overpasses be upgraded to a minimum height clearance of at least 6m, in support of movement of oversized loads and opening up Western Canada’s trade competitiveness;
  3. Where height obstructions cannot be built to a minimum of 6m, that bypasses be installed to allow oversized vehicles to remain on the provincial road network; and
  4. All bypasses and roundabouts be built to accommodate oversized vehicles, including but not limited to turnpike double long combination vehicles which have the potential to reduce GHG emissions by up to 41%.

Please help make sure the industry’s voice is heard on these important upgrades and to help ensure government builds this critical segment of Highway 1 to specifications that will promote our sector.

How to participate

  1. BCTA has created a template letter in Microsoft Word to allow you to print a copy of the letter on company letterhead, for scanning and delivery via e-mail to the provincial government.
  2. Add your name and position to the letter. If you don’t use letterhead, we suggest including your company name and address either before the date or following your name at the end.
  3. Send a scan of the signed letter to, the e-mail address included in the file. In your e-mail, please CC Dave Earle, BCTA President & CEO (

Please send the letter no later than March 19, 2021.

Thank you for your assistance.

Additional background can be found on the government’s Highway 1 Project Website, or BCTA’s February 19, 2021 Bulletin article, “Public Consultation! Hwy 1 Widening, 216 to 264 Street

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