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TransLink’s 30-year strategy to make transportation in Metro Vancouver convenient, reliable, affordable, safe, comfortable, and environmentally sustainable has been approved. The 30-year transportation plan includes over 100 action items that covers the entirety of TransLink’s jurisdiction, including management of the Major Road Network (i.e., Truck Route) and Regional Goods Movement Strategy.

TransLink engaged BCTA for feedback on key aspects of the plan related to regional goods movement, and Dave Earle, BCTA President and CEO, is heartened that TransLink considered the impact various aspects of the plan will have on the transportation sector and ultimately, consumers.

“The BC Trucking Association is committed to our environmental stewardship efforts and is pleased to see that Transport 2050 recognizes the role commercial road transportation can play in the fight against climate change,” said Earle. “With over 90% of all consumer goods in the province being transported by a truck, our sector is a critical service provider supporting the quality of life British Columbians expect. As BC’s population continues to grow, so will the reliance on trucking, which is why we look forward to working with TransLink on supporting the goals of Transport 2050 with an emphasis on the environment and safe and affordable movement of goods in the region.”

BCTA’s key recommendation on Transport 2050’s core affordability goal was implemented, including the inclusion of a requirement to ensure that transportation fees and taxes are affordable for everyone by conducting a cost-benefit analysis for any fees that impact passenger and commercial vehicles, including businesses, consumers, and carriers as appropriate. We look forward to continuing our work with TransLink to ensure the framework applied to analyze these costs and benefits that affect movement of goods in the region remains fair and reasonable to our industry. TransLink will next work together with the Mayors’ Council to develop a detailed implementation blueprint that will prioritize shorter-term action items from Transport 2050. That blueprint is projected to be released later this year.

For the full Transport 2050 Strategy, visit the TransLink website.


See BCTA’s TransLink Releases Draft of Transport 2050 Strategy Bulletin, January 11 2021 

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