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Did you know that fuel can represent up to 29% of a carrier’s operating costs in BC?

Improving fuel efficiency by just 5% PER TRUCK can improve your company’s profit margin by approximately 27%. Even better, it can reduce a truck’s emissions by 7 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.

Reduce your costs by improving your fleet’s fuel efficiency— don’t miss out on your chance to apply for incentives of up to $15,000 per vehicle or $100,00 per fleet for the purchase and installation of qualifying fuel-saving equipment.

You’ll also learn how to develop a fuel-management program for any size fleet, incorporating measures to improve fuel economy over a half-day webinar. The prerequisite CleanBC HDVE Program course describes the benefits of using different fuel-saving technologies and practices, and the best part is it’s FREE.

Take the CleanBC HDVE Program course and submit your application before March 31, 2022.

The next CleanBC HDVE Program Course is on February 24- register now.

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