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Thank you to our members who attended the first BCTA Women in Trucking (WiT) Committee meeting. We had a great discussion about some of the issues and challenges facing women in our industry that the committee would like to address and learn more about.

The committee also discussed the results from the Women in Trucking survey we conducted in April 2022. Of significance, we discovered:

  • 59% of respondents raised safety concerns from being on the road; and
  • 35% of respondents cited significant concerns with rest areas (e.g., lack of facilities, and for those available, not having sufficient lighting or amenities to foster a safe working environment).

These facts were highlighted in BCTA’s BC Budget submission, which was also on the list for discussion. Specifically, our request that the Province take a more active role in supporting an accessible and safe network of rest areas to not only facilitate a more resilient industry to support women but also enable a more efficient movement of goods was highlighted.

BCTA members are invited to join the next WiT Committee meeting scheduled for September 2022. Please contact BCTA Policy Analyst Levana Huang by email or 604-888-5319 for more information.

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