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$3.5 million in rebates available for approved fuel-saving devices

The BC Trucking Association (BCTA) is pleased to announce that they are accepting rebate applications for Year-four of the highly successful CleanBC Heavy-duty Vehicle Efficiency (HDVE) Program.

For the fourth year in a row, BCTA has partnered with the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to administer the CleanBC HDVE Program– an incentive program that provides carriers with fuel management strategies and rebates of up to $15,000 per vehicle and $100,000 per fleet for approved fuel-efficiency devices.

“B.C.’s commitment to address climate change and move towards a cleaner, carbon-free future is exemplary, and the Ministry is pleased to continue to work with the BC Trucking Association to help with the transition,” said Honourable Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “The trucking sector is making great strides to lessen its carbon footprint, and we hope B.C. carriers take advantage of this rebate program to not only save money, but also help to save the environment.”

As part of the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030, the CleanBC HDVE Program is a key element of the Government of B.C.’s work to accelerate climate action and get the province on track to a net-zero economy through low carbon industry and negative emissions technologies. Medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles are responsible for approximately half of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from B.C.’s road transportation sector. However, by providing carriers with fuel management strategies and incentives of up to 50% for approved fuel-efficiency devices, participation in the program can currently reduce fuel consumption and associated GHG emissions by up to 35%. As zero-emission commercial vehicles are in the emerging state of availability, encouraging the use of fuel-saving technology that is available today is vital to getting a jump on emission reduction. To demonstrate their commitment to the fight against climate change, the provincial government is providing $3.5 million to Year-four of the Program, more than double the rebates offered previously.

“We’re excited that the Province is ensuring more funds are available for rebates this year– that means more B.C. carriers get to put money back in their pockets, and less GHG emissions are released into the environment,” said Dave Earle, BCTA President and CEO. “B.C.’s trucking sector has grown by an average of 4,000 medium- and heavy-duty vehicles each year over the past decade, amounting to more emissions with the increased demand. It’s imperative that we support and accelerate the shift to greener fleets to decarbonize our industry and build a cleaner, stronger economy for our province.”

Since its inception in 2019, BCTA estimates the impact of the CleanBC HDVE Program to have removed 39.4 million kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions each year– the equivalent of over 8,800 passenger vehicles across North America– and that number continues to climb.  

“The powerful results achieved by implementing fuel-efficient technology is a testament to the Program,” continued Earle. “We know for a fact that it makes a difference, and we encourage everyone who is eligible to apply.”

Year-four of the CleanBC HDVE Program will run until August 31, 2023, or until the funds are fully allocated, whichever comes first.

CleanBC HDVE Program Key Features

  • The newly revamped and condensed CleanBC HDVE Program Course teaches participants the importance on why truck and motor coach fleets of any size should have a fuel management program that focuses on driver training, benchmarking, adoption of fuel-saving equipment, and fleet turnover, including consideration of alternative fuel options. Course registration is free.
  • Rebates of up to $15,000 per vehicle and up to $100,000 per fleet for purchase and installation of approved fuel-saving equipment and technology are available.  See the full list of approved equipment and rebates here.
  • Funding is allocated equitably among successful applicants by region and carrier type and size.

Priority funding allocation for Year-four will be given to new applicants. Applications will be accepted from new applicants beginning August 12, 2022, and from all applicants beginning September 15, 2022. 

BCTA is working in collaboration with Indigenous businesses and communities to encourage program participation and achieve stronger representation of Indigenous talent in the commercial vehicle sector.

For more details about the program, please see the CleanBC HDVE Program Guide.


To be eligible for program rebates, BCTA membership is not required. Companies must meet the eligibility criteria that are available in the CleanBC HDVE Program Guide, including: 

  • Must have one or more heavy-duty commercial vehicles in their fleet with a gross vehicle weight greater than 11,794 kilograms.
  • Vehicle must be licensed and insured to operate in B.C.
  • Must conduct business in the province with a terminal located in B.C.

All applicants must first successfully complete the free pre-requisite Year-four CleanBC HDVE Program Course before submitting their application. The newly revamped and condensed course, which is offered by webinar and in-person, teaches participants the benefits of having a fuel management program, and how to incorporate measures to improve fuel economy with an emphasis on B.C. specific data. The course also demonstrates how to develop a baseline of fuel consumption and track progress as part of the company’s program. Registration for the CleanBC HDVE Program Course is now open.

How to Apply

The application process for the HDVE Program is broken down into three stages:

  • Stage 1: August 12, 2022- Registration opens for the pre-requisite CleanBC HDVE Program Course. Applications open for new applicants.
  • Stage 2: September 15, 2022- Applications open for all applicants based on provincial region.
  • Stage 3: November 1, 2022- Unallocated funds are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis regardless of region.

Program Course registration information and application details can be found on the BCTA website.

More information

To learn more about CleanBC, please visit

For more information on the CleanBC HDVE Program, please contact Cory Paterson, BCTA Vice President at 604-888-5319 or

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