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The BC Government has announced the implementation of a provincial ELD mandate, effective August 1, 2023.

The announcement made on February 13 comes after much lobbying by BCTA and now harmonizes BC with the federal government and most other provinces.

Of significance is the following:

  1. The mandate comes into effect August 1, 2023, including violations and ticketing.
  2. Any exemptions provided to this regulation are by Director approval which can be removed/added by way of notice. This was an ask of BCTA so that exemptions are not enshrined subject to another regulatory amendments, but rather can be added/removed quickly and efficiently by way of notice from a government statutory decision maker.
  3. The mandate only applies to provincially regulated vehicles that travel outside of 160 kilometres from their home terminal (does not apply to local vehicles operating under local driving hours)
  4. Local drivers will be permitted, by way of CVSE circular to occasional travel outside of 160 km and not require an ELD if the driver has no more than one trip outside of 160 km for the current day or within the previous 14 days to a maximum of 6 days within a 60-day period.

BCTA held a webinar with Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement on February 17th to review the regulation and answer any questions carriers may have.  If you would like a copy of the presentation, please contact Samira Hosseina, BCTA Policy Analyst.

For details on the Provincial ELD Mandate, please refer to:

Find out which BCTA ELD-provider members are now Transport Canada certified here.

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