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Those travelling from  Sooke to Port Renfrew will have cellular service with the completion of seven new cell towers. This 70-kilometre stretch of Highway 14 did not have wireless network coverage previously.

$5 million was invested in this project by the Government of BC and $695,000 by Rogers Communications, who completed the work.

New government funding of $75 million was announced in March 2023 to support more highway cellular projects throughout BC. The Province supports the expansion of highway cellular service in BC by contributing to the overall cost of the projects led by service providers.

There are 15,000 kilometres of primary, secondary and major highways in B.C. and as of December 2022:

  • 10,800 km have cellular service
  • 4,200 km do not have cellular service of which:
    • 3,100 km do not have access to commercial power and
    • 1,100 km have access to commercial power but no cellular service.

Learn more about the Government of BC connectivity initiatives here.

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