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To optimize the journey for drivers, here are two tools that play a crucial role in route planning - the DriveBC Height Clearance Tool and the TransLink Truck Route Planner

DriveBC Height Clearance Tool

One of the essentials in route planning is ensuring that the chosen route accommodates the height of your load. The DriveBC Height Clearance Tool provides a comprehensive solution for drivers to gauge whether their oversized load can safely travel a particular route.

Accessible at DriveBC Height Clearance Tool, this platform allows drivers to input the dimensions of their load and receive detailed information about height clearances along their chosen route.

While the DriveBC Height Clearance Tool is a valuable resource, it is crucial to understand that it serves as a supplement to the mandatory provincial permit. All oversized loads must obtain the necessary permit, and drivers must adhere to the approved routing outlined in the permit to ensure compliance with regulations.

TransLink Truck Route Planner

The TransLink Truck Route Planner also provides optimized routes for trucks and oversized vehicles.

Accessible at TransLink Truck Route Planner, this tool considers various factors such as road restrictions and traffic conditions. By inputting the specifics of your load, the planner generates a route.

As with the DriveBC Height Clearance Tool, it is important to note that the TransLink Truck Route Planner is a tool to assist drivers, not a substitute for the mandatory provincial permit. Oversized loads must obtain the necessary permit, and drivers must strictly adhere to the approved routing specified in the permit.

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