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By Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure  

Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, has released a statement regarding the cancellation of Chohan Freight Forwarders Ltd.'s operations in British Columbia.

"In the interest of safety, on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, a formal cancellation notice was issued to Chohan Freight Forwarders Ltd. for its operations in B.C. This decision, made by the independent director of the Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement branch, is the most severe action that can be taken against a company with multiple infractions," stated Minister Fleming.

"This action sends a clear message to operators that infrastructure crashes around our province need to stop," Minister Fleming emphasized. "While the majority of commercial drivers in B.C. operate safely and responsibly, this decision underscores the need for progressive enforcement of suspensions to address those few companies and drivers who are not prioritizing safety."

Minister Fleming reiterated that ensuring safety on the highways remains a top priority for the government of British Columbia, emphasizing the importance of adhering to safety regulations to prevent accidents and protect road users.

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