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May 13, 2024

In a significant move toward promoting environmental sustainability and supporting the adoption of alternative fuel technologies, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) has now included hydrogen-powered units in its amendment to weight allowances Compliance Circular 03-21.

The axle weight increase for Hydrogen is 1,500 kg, with a maximum gross vehicle weight of 65,000 kg (with GVW restrictions as listed on the circular and CVSE 1011 form). In order to accurately track the uptake of the allowances, CVSE will be requiring carriers to obtain a Letter of Authorization to utilize the additional axle weight. Permits will not be required.

For years, BCTA has been actively collaborating with the BC Government to advocate for policies that encourage the use of low or zero-carbon fuel sources.  The inclusion of hydrogen-powered units in the revised weight allowances is a testament to the ongoing efforts between industry and the Province, and is paving the way for broader adoption of hydrogen fuel technology within the industry.

For more information on the amended weight allowances and regulatory compliance, please refer to Compliance Circular 03-21

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