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June 10, 2024

Starting June 3, 2024, drivers in British Columbia must adhere to new minimum distances when passing people walking and riding on roads.

These new rules aim to protect vulnerable road users, requiring drivers to maintain a safe distance of at least one metre when passing.

Vulnerable road users include pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, individuals on animals or in vehicles pulled by animals, and people using electric wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and electric kick scooters.

When passing these road users, drivers must maintain a minimum distance of:

  • One metre on highways with speeds of 50 km/h or less.
  • One and a half metres on highways with speeds of 51 km/h or more.

Additionally, drivers passing vulnerable road users in separated and protected cycling lanes or on sidewalks must allow a minimum distance of half a metre.

These distances are measured from the furthest protruding part of the passing vehicle, such as a mirror, to the furthest part of the vulnerable road user or their equipment, such as a handlebar.

Police may issue tickets for violations under the new Motor Vehicle Act regulations, with penalties including:

  • $109 and three driver penalty points for failing to take proper precautions with vulnerable road users.
  • $368 and three driver penalty points for failing to maintain prescribed minimum passing distances.
  • The maximum fine is $2,000 and up to six months of imprisonment.

More Information

For more details about the new regulations visit the Government of BC website.


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