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The Commercial Transport Regulations (CTR) have been updated, making permanent several temporary allowances effective July 16, 2024:

Increase to Steer Axle Weights for Specified Logging Truck Configurations

Steering axles for these specific configurations may be up to 9,100 kg, with overall Gross Combination Vehicle Weight (GCVW) for specific combinations increasing accordingly, these include pole trailers and full trailers, but does not include Tractor Semi-trailer combinations, including B-Trains. Key points include:

  • Tire loading: Maximum of 110 kg/cm of tire width
  • Manufacturer ratings must not be exceeded
  • Maximum weights for other axle groups remain unchanged
  • Gross Combination Vehicle Weight (GCVW) must not exceed 63,500 kg
  • Winter and summer logging allowances still apply to other axle groups in the combinations

Changes are found in Division 7.26 of the CTR.

Cancellation of Trailer Axle Weight Reductions

The amended CTR has been updated to reflect the previously announced cancellation of the scheduled weight reduction for Quad Axle Trailers. Additionally, the CTR has been amended to cancel the scheduled weight reductions for Tridem Axle Pole Trailers and Tridem Hayrack semi- Page 2 of 2 trailers in logging applications, which had been previously postponed. These changes are detailed in the CTR appendices D, G, F, H, & I.

Updates Affecting Wide Base Single Tires (WBST)

The use of WBST (previously known as Super Single Tires) has been clarified. Full weight parity with dual tires is now allowed, provided each tire is 445 mm or wider. These updates are found in Division 7.25 of the CTR.

General Updates

  • The definition of "Logging truck" now includes Truck and Truck and trailer combinations, as well as Truck Tractor and trailer combinations.
  • The term "Straight Truck" has been replaced with "Truck."
  • "Super Single Tires" has been replaced with "WBST."

These updates ensure that the temporary allowances are now permanent. Read the full Compliance Circular here.

More Information

For more detailed information, see the Commercial Transport Regulations.

For any other related questions, please contact Commercial Transport Program staff at 250 953-4017 or


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