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My Job Postings

My Job Postings

Job Posted

Posting jobs on

"Job Postings" is consistently one of the top pages for visits on, so you can be sure job hunters are finding your job openings here. 

Checking "Web display" on the Create Job Posting form will post the job on the public Job Postings page.  You can uncheck and save the posting to take it down once the job is filled. You can always update any of the fields and republish a posting. Make sure to save any changes on the form once you've finished.

BCTA has also created a sample job description for a long-haul truck driver for employers who don’t have as standard ad.  You can cut & paste from this MS Word file straight into the Job Postings Form under Job Description and Skills & Qualifications.  

This  is sample text only - you can customize it as required for the driving position you need to fill. To work with the Word text and the Create Job Posting Form at the same time, save the Word file to your own computer before opening the Create Job Posting Form, so that you can easily jump between the two. 

Create your Job Posting here.