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On April 29 from 9AM to 10:30AM PST, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) will be providing a second update regarding the coordination of construction activities planed for the TransCanada Highway.

The objective of this presentation is to ensure that delays are mitigated as much as possible by ensuring projects are coordinated amongst each other and to provide feedback to MOTI on the best communication practices for commercial Highway users.  

If you have any have comments or recommendations such as key locations for rest/chain-up areas and/or communication strategies for MOTI, please contact BCTA Policy Analyst Levana Huang at 604-888-5319, ext. 214, or so BCTA can provide requests to MOTI in advance of the meeting. 

Background on Highway 1 - Kamloops to Alberta - Four Laning Program:

There are currently 6 projects under construction/development as part of the Highway 1 – Kamloops to Alberta Four Laning Program. Projects are being coordinated amongst each other but can lead up to a 20 minutes delay at each site, which will put further challenges/strain on loads that come to and out of the west coast. Projects are identified in the photo below and can be found on the project site here.  

Image removed.


For background, refer to March 18, 2021 Bulletin article, “Join Us! MOTI’s Presentation on the TransCanada Highway Coordination Plan”


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