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From the March 15, 2021 meeting, it was agreed that BCTA and BC Ferries will establish a Task Force, including representatives from BCTA (staff and cross-sectoral motor carrier members) and BC Ferries with the purpose to identify both short-term and long-term opportunities to further support the efficient movement of goods and for carriers to be compliant with commercial hours of service regulations.

The first meeting is happening on May 6th from 10AM to 12PM.  Should there be significant member interest to participate on this Task Force, BCTA may re-establish the BC Ferries Committee, subject to Board approval, to help inform the BCTA Task Force participation.

If you are interested in joining the Task Force or have any specific asks or questions that the Task Force should consider, please contact Levana Huang, BCTA Policy Analyst at 604-888-5319, ext. 219, or

Updates on Task Force meetings and issues resolution will be provided to members on a regular basis, both through the BCTA bulletin and BCTA’s BC Ferries distribution list.  If you would like to be added to BCTA’s BC Ferries distribution list, please contact Levana Huang.

Please click here for a copy of BC Ferries’ February 22 letter. 


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