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The Office of the British Columbia Container Trucking Commissioner (OBCCTC) has published their recommendation report on off-dock drayage in the Lower Mainland on its website.

Based on the study published in September 2020 to further understand off-dock drayage activity in the Lower Mainland, the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) requested that the OBCCTC examine opportunities to make targeted adjustments to the rates and policy regarding the Lower Mainland drayage sector. The report focuses on recommendations across three areas- regulatory scope, rates, and enforcement.

The key recommendations of the report include:

  • Amend the CTS (Container Trucking Services) Licence to apply its terms and conditions to any company that is affiliated with a licensee and moving containers that are currently captured by the Container Trucking Act and the Container Trucking Regulation.
  • Assign truck tags to licences only for the purpose of identifying trucks that require access to a marine container terminal.
  • Amend section 25 of the Container Trucking Regulation to require licensees to provide a security in an amount that is linked to the number of trucks, identified under licence, that perform container trucking services.
  • Tie OBCCTC funding to the number of trucks, identified under licence, that perform container trucking services.
  • Amend the Rate Order to eliminate trip rates and the Positioning Movement Rate and introduce comparable minimum hourly rates for all employees and Independent Operators.
  • Amend the CTS Licence to require that licensees install on each truck a third-party certified electronic logging device (ELD) and make available to the OBCCTC all data generated by the ELD upon request, and require affiliates to do the same, and include penalties for withholding and altering this information.

BCTA is currently reviewing the recommendations and will provide further updates throughout the consultation process with the OBCCTC.

For OBCCTC’s Off-Dock Drayage Recommendation Report, click here.

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