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The Student Work Placement Subsidy is a new addition to Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay Program. The program partners with employers and post-secondary institutions to create and deliver work-learning opportunities for post-secondary students.

This program supports employers by subsidizing the cost of hiring students eager to join the trucking and logistic sector while providing students the benefit of work experience and the opportunity to learn. The initiative is funded through the Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program. For the 2021-2022 fiscal year, all wage subsidies are a maximum of 75% up to $7,500.

The program enables you to bring on an eager-to-learn student for specific tasks or projects. You end up with a skilled candidate oriented to your company who could meet your future recruiting needs.  It also helps to demonstrate the range of occupations and economic opportunities our industry offers.

Candidates for the Career ExpressWay Program must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be enrolled part-time or full-time in a post-secondary institution such as:
  • Polytechnics
  • Universities
  • Colleges
    *International & High school students are not eligible for this program
  1. Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons who have been granted refugee status in Canada
  2. Legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations
  3. Provide proof of enrollment in a post-secondary institution

Placement Criteria for Employers include:

  1. Provide full-time or part-time work opportunity (minimum 4 weeks up to a maximum of 16 weeks at a minimum of 10 hours/week)
  2. Should the placement be longer than 16 weeks, please contact TruckingHR Canada as you could be eligible to apply for another funding term.
  3. Placement must be within the trucking and logistics sector and/or fulfilling a trucking and logistics job function.
  4. The wages for the student placement must not be funded by another Federal Grant program such as the Canada Summer Jobs Grant Placements funded through a stipend, scholarship and/or bursaries do not qualify
  5. Add participating students to the company’s payroll. Participants are not eligible for the program as contractors
  6. Provide a safe and harassment-free work environment for participants
  7. Submit evidence of salaries remitted to the participants (pay stubs) for reimbursement



Role of Trucking HR Canada

  • Up to 75% of the salary available to be paid to the student, up to a maximum of $7,500 for 2021/22
  • Support for the employer with regular communication
  • Build relationship and maintain contact with post-secondary institutions
  • Provide step-by-step instructions to employers and participants
  • Periodically request feedback from employers and participants to evaluate the placement

Applications are being accepted for Summer and Fall 2021.

To learn more, please contact Trucking HR Canada at or visit

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