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The Government of BC is committing $9.5 million for the 2022-23 fiscal year toward RoadSafetyBC’s plan to streamline and digitalize services. Improvements will modernize the Driver Medical Fitness Program, as well as support community and law enforcement to create safer roads.

Budget 2022 includes funding for the following RoadSafetyBC initiatives:

  • Driver Medical Fitness Transformation project, which seeks to modernize BC’s driver fitness process over the upcoming year, including through automation, electronic driver medical forms and streamlined case management.
  • Intersection Safety Cameras (ISC) program, which has speed enforcement technology that provides automated intersection safety enforcement at BC’s high-risk intersections.
  • Road Safety Initiative, which includes developing digital roadside tools, such as electronic traffic ticketing and online fine payment. 

Key changes to the Driver Medical Fitness Program include an online medical practitioner’s self-service tool, a simplified process for completing and submitting documentation, and shorter processing times. Currently, medical professionals and medical associations are engaged with the development and implementation of a secure online portal for the submission of Driver’s Medical Examination Reports. Improvements to the program will be implemented over the next year.

Due to the pandemic’s pressures on the medical system RoadSafetyBC continues to provide extended timeframes for all drivers to have their Driver’s Medical Examination Reports completed. Age-based Driver Medical Examination Reports have not been issued since December 16, 2020, due to the pandemic.

Learn more about commercial driver’s medical fitness requirements on the Government of BC website.

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