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Trucking HR Canada (THRC) has rolled out a fresh set of tools to help employers in training commercial drivers.

By Trucking HR Canada

Trucking HR Canada (THRC) has rolled out a fresh set of tools to help employers in training commercial drivers. These resources are built upon the updated National Occupational Standard and play a crucial role in enhancing driver training across the country.

“THRC has led the work on creating a consistent approach to truck driver training and development in Canada,” says Angela Splinter, THRC's CEO. “We collaborated with key industry organizations from across Canada - provincial and national trucking associations, insurance companies, safety organizations, transportation partners and other industry sectors - to drive industry best practices into the future."

These tools are geared towards supporting Occupational Level Training for Commercial Transport Truck Operators and are aimed at guiding driver development through all stages of their careers with a focus on occupational level training support. They outline the basic knowledge and practical skills required of an operator and include resources for training and evaluating instructors, coaches, and mentors involved in driver training.

The downloads include templates, training and program development guides, assessment tools, knowledge, and practical content inventories, among other resources and can be found on the Trucking HR Canada website.

THRC New driver training resources

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