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May 27, 2024

By Trucking HR Canada

Trucking HR Canada (THRC) has released its Labour Market Information (LMI) snapshot for the first quarter of 2024.

“The latest report shows growth in our sector’s labour supply as the number of active job seekers jumped sharply in the first quarter of 2024,” says Craig Faucette, Chief Program Officer, Trucking HR Canada. “This is good news for employers who are looking to hire and train additional  workers for unfilled positions.”

Here are some highlights of the report:

• Total employment in trucking and logistics in the first quarter of 2024 was 763,800 workers, down 1.5% from the previous quarter but up almost 51,000 employees compared to Q1 2023. The strongest employment growth was seen among transport truck drivers, with an additional 32,600 drivers employed in Q1 2024, compared to Q1 2023.

• The total supply of labour (both employed and unemployed) increased steadily over the course of 2023 and into 2024, topping 807,000 in the first quarter. This is an 8% increase from Q1 2023, with the addition of almost 60,000 participants to the sector’s labour supply.

• The steady increase in labour supply in the industry is good news for employers who are still looking to hire and train additional workers. Along with the increase in employment in Q1 2024, data on unemployment - those workers who are actively seeking work in the sector - also shows a marked increase, with an additional 10,000 people looking for jobs in trucking and logistics occupations, compared with Q1 2023.

Labour market information (LMI) is actionable intelligence pertaining to the supply and demand of labour. It puts raw data into context and facilitates better decisions by employers, workers, job seekers, policymakers, educators, career practitioners, academics, students, parents, and more.

LMI at Trucking HR Canada is prepared by our team of analysts using customized tables from Statistics Canada’s Census and Labour Force Survey data, as well as qualitative and quantitative research directly from employers that fills gaps in the publicly available data. Trucking HR Canada produces quarterly labour market snapshots, as well as a variety of special reports, to help meet the industry’s HR challenges by providing relevant, accurate, timely and actionable data.

For the Q1 2024 LMI Snapshot please visit: here.

For previously released LMI data, please visit: here.

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