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Thanks to the efforts of BCTA and the Manufactured Housing Association of BC, BC Ferries has agreed to extend existing guidelines for pre-approval for oversize loads to the Horseshoe Bay – Langdale route starting October 1, 2018, with a slightly lower maximum width difference compared to those for the major routes.

Following are the guidelines from BC Ferries for Horseshoe Bay-Langdale:

All over-sized units require pre-approval before travelling with BC Ferries and reservations are strongly encouraged. BC Ferries’ guidelines for over-size units are as the follows:

  • Overall Width 9 feet (2.7 M) up to 13 feet (3.9M)

    (Note: the maximum width for this route is 1 foot narrower than the major routes, but see the caveats below.)
  • Overall Height 13”5” feet (4.1 m) up to 14’6” feet (4.4M)
  • Overall Length less than 99 feet
  • Overall Ground Clearance not less than 8 inches

Exceptions Process for Over-Size Units on Horseshoe Bay to Langdale Route

A load in excess of the dimensions listed above may be assessed on an exceptions basis provided it does not exceed the following dimensions:

  • Overall Width is between 13 feet (3.9M) and 14 (4.3M)
  • Overall Height is between 14’6” (4.4M) and 14’10” (4.5M)
  • Overall Length is less than 99 feet
  • Overall Ground Clearance less than 8 inches

The exceptions process is to allow BC Ferries, in conjunction with the carrier, to minimize delays by identifying suitable travel arrangements. Delays, however, may still occur due to number of factors such as tidal conditions affecting ramp slope or unplanned ferry traffic congestion.

For complete guidelines for requesting and obtaining pre-approval for oversize loads on this route, including contact details, please see this policy letter from BC Ferries. 

BCTA and MHABC are currently pursuing a similar agreement for the Gulf Island routes.

For background, see the August 14, 2017, Bulletin article, “BCTA & MHABC Help BC Ferries Improve Oversize Service.”

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