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On May 5, 2021, the Ministry of Finance provided a presentation to over 70 representatives from transportation companies across the province to assist carriers in understanding their IFTA and International Registration Plan (IRP) requirements, including registration, record keeping, tax returns, common reporting errors, refunds, audits, and compliance.

The Ministry of Finance outlined that the Federal Government of Canada has introduced a fuel charge for its carbon polluting pricing system that applies in the backstop jurisdictions of Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Nunavut, and the Yukon.  If you travel under IFTA in any of these backstop jurisdictions, you are required to register with the CRA and regularly submit separate quarterly fuel charge returns for travel in those jurisdictions.

BC’s IFTA tax return automatically credits carriers both motor fuel and carbon taxes to avoid a “double charge” for fuel purchased in BC but utilized elsewhere.  IFTA carriers entering BC will either pay the BC motor fuel and carbon tax or get a credit of both depending on the amount of fuel purchased and used in BC.

Thank you to the representatives from the Ministry of Finance and ICBC for the engaging and informative session!

Click here for the Provincial Sales Tax Bulletin on Multijurisdictional Vehicles. 

If you would like a copy of the slide deck, please contact BCTA Policy Analyst, Levana Huang, at 604-888-5319, ext. 219.

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