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Trucking HR Canada's new wage subsidy program is now available for trucking and logistics employers.

The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) connects employers with post-secondary training institutions and their students. Post secondary institutions are looking for paid work experiences for their students – and our industry offers many non-driving occupations that fit this need.

Your participation in the program involves you offering quality work experiences of up to 16 weeks and Trucking HR Canada will cover 75% of the wage, up to $7,500.

In addition to the financial incentive, this is an opportunity to bring young talent into your workplace, assess students for future employment, and help the industry in promoting the various non-driving occupations we offer.  This program provides one of the most practical approaches yet to support our industry in attracting younger workers.

If you have already taken advantage of the various financial incentives offered through Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay program, you are already an approved employer.  

Learn all about this new wage subsidy and how you can benefit by attending Trucking HR Canada’s SWPP info session on August 18, 2021 (9am-10am PST). Click here to visit Trucking HR Canada’s website and register today.

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