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BCTA is calling on members to write and participate in the BC 2022-2023 Budget Consultation Process. You can read the Budget 2022 Consultation Paper and BCTA’s Budget Submission, and provide feedback by Thursday, September 30, 2021.

You can participate by sending a written submission using BCTA’s template letter or filling out the online survey via the Committee's consultation portal. Please help make sure the industry’s voice is heard and the government receives enough responses to understand the extent of the industry’s concerns. The government needs to hear from individual companies on our industry’s priorities, and numbers count.

How to participate:

  1. The template letter is a Microsoft Word file that you can update and print on company letterhead, for scanning and delivery via e-mail to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.

  2. Add your name and position to the letter. If you don’t use letterhead, we suggest including your company name and address either before the date or following your name at the end.

  3. Print and sign the letter, then scan and send via e-mail to, the e-mail address included in the file.

In your e-mail to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, please CC: the following people:

  1. Please e-mail the letter no later than September 30, 2021 by 5PM (PST).

Thank you for your assistance.

You’ll find additional background in this BCTA Budget Submission and in the August 23 Bulletin Article.

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