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Workers in British Columbia will have standard paid sick leave with a minimum of five paid sick days each year beginning January 1, 2022.  This entitlement is in addition to the three days of unpaid sick leave currently provided by the Employment Standards Act (ESA). BC is the first province in Canada to legislate this level of paid time off for ill workers which applies to all full time, part time, temporary, and casual workers covered by the ESA.

In May 2021, amendments to the ESA laid the groundwork for establishing minimum standards for permanent paid sick leave and created a temporary COVID-19 paid sick leave program for up to three days of leave, which ended on December 31, 2021. 

During a two-month period at the height of the pandemic, it was found that workplaces with pre-existing paid sick leave policies saw less workplace transmission. The provincial government reports that studies in other jurisdictions with mandated paid sick leave have shown that related cost increases were less than expected, and that they benefitted from increased productivity and retention of trained staff, reduced risks of injury, improved morale, and increased labour-force participation.

Employers have until January 17, 2022 to submit any remaining requests for reimbursement through the temporary COVID-19 paid sick leave program being administered through WorkSafeBC.

For more information about paid sick leave, including if employment standards apply to you, please visit the BC Government website.

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