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Trucking HR Canada (THRC) is looking for employers and industry stakeholders to participate in labour market research in order to provide employers with relevant, accurate, and accessible information.

They are currently exploring the role language plays in industry, including:

  • What languages are used in the industry?
  • What role does language diversity play in communication planning?
  • How is effective communication fostered and supported?


THRC has developed two surveys to be answered by either:

  1. employers who use trucks as part of their operation, or
  2. industry stakeholders (i.e. industry associations, unions, driving schools)

The survey deadline is Tuesday, January 25, 2022 and participation is confidential and voluntary. Information submitted will not be used to identify individuals or a business/operation directly or indirectly. Results will be compiled and analyzed by an independent third party and only overall results will be reported.

If you are an employer, take the survey here.

If you are an industry stakeholder, take the survey here.

For more information on THRC’s labour market information work, please visit their website.  

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