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The Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Commercial Safety and Compliance Branch has confirmed that it will begin hard enforcement of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate on January 1, 2023, for commercial carriers operating within the province.

Ontario will continue with the education and awareness period through to January 1, without penalties for federally regulated carriers. A complementary education and awareness period for the provincial ELD mandate is scheduled for June 12, 2022, until January 1, 2023, without penalties for provincially regulated carriers.

As provinces and territories are responsible for enforcing the federal Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations, carriers operating outside of Ontario should be aware of the regulations and requirements of the provinces or territories where they will be operating. 

For additional information on certified ELDs, please visit the Transport Canada website.


Please read BCTA’s March 7, 2022, Bulletin: ELD Transition Period Extended to January 2023- CCMTA

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