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Glen MacInnes has been appointed as the new container trucking commissioner and Karm Jauhal has been appointed deputy commissioner. The appointments will replace outgoing commissioner Michael Crawford and fill the vacant deputy commissioner position.

The container trucking commissioner is responsible for the oversight of Metro Vancouver’s drayage industry and for resolving issues within the sector. The commissioner also meets with the Industry Advisory Committee regularly. The commissioner sets rates and enforces compliance with the Container Trucking Act, issues container trucking services licences within the truck licensing system, and facilitates ongoing policy and regulatory review.

The commissioner has the ability to ensure compliance with regulations, such as:

  • conducting audits and investigations;
  • ordering a trucking company to comply with any provision of the legislation or with the licence obligations; and
  • imposing penalties, ranging from suspending a licence and imposing administrative fines to cancelling a licence.

See the Offifce of the British Columbia Container Trucking Commissioner (OBCCTC) announcement here. Decisions following the findings of an audit and orders to pay can also be found on the are on the OBCCTC website.

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