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Hiring new drivers? Other positions? Summer students? Upgrading current employees? There’s funding for you.

The BC Trucking Association (BCTA) will be holding an information session to provide members with an overview of programs available to support training, on-boarding, and upgrading for ALL positions in our industry. Whether it is for new or current drivers, dispatchers, office staff, or warehouse positions, funding is available for you.

Join Dave Earle, President of BCTA and Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada to learn about the many streams of funding available. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and will be provided with a resource that will guide you in identifying funding options that are available to help address your hiring challenges.

Please join us in-person at the BCTA office for a coffee and muffin or you can attend by Zoom. Please register here to secure your attendance.

Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

Date: Wednesday, February 15th

Cost: No cost- BCTA members only

*Once registration is confirmed you will be provided with instructions for connecting online. You must be logged in to access the registration button.

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