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As the deadline for the Accessible Canada Act Accessibility Plan approaches on June 1, 2024, Trucking HR Canada is providing support for the industry's employers.

A comprehensive sample Accessibility Plan has been released, serving as a valuable resource to assist organizations in building compliant plans aligned with the Act.

Both English and French versions of this resource are available on the THRC Resource Library page here.

In addition, a series of webinars featuring HR experts has been organized to guide employers through the development and implementation of their plans. This is an opportunity for organizations to ensure they are fully prepared for compliance. The next webinar is on April 24. Register by visiting the THRC website here.

The Accessible Canada Act, a federal law established in 2019, aims to identify, eliminate, and prevent barriers encountered by individuals with disabilities. To achieve a barrier-free Canada by 2040, the Act mandates that federally regulated private employers with 100 or more employees must have prepared and published their initial Accessibility Plans by June 1, 2023. Employers with 10 to 99 employees have until June 1, 2024, to comply. For a summary of the Act, visit the Government of Canada website.

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