May 3, 2021
Featured News
In field: BCTA Compensation Survey
BCTA circulated a compensation survey to motor carrier members on April 26, 2021, requesting data on compensation and benefits.
Featured News
COVID-19 Vaccination Reminder
Throughout the pandemic our industry has continued to work tirelessly around the clock to ensure store shelves are stocked with essentials and the goods we take for granted. BCTA is not only immensely grateful for your hard work and commitment, but we are also proud of the host of safety measure
Featured News
A Tour towards Zero- BCTA’s Future of Zero Commercial Vehicle Seminar had over 161 Attendees!
BCTA is proud to announce that over 161 BCTA members, municipal fleet managers, government officials and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) participated in the Future of Zero Emission Commercial Vehicles Seminar.
Newsletter Articles
Register Now! IFTA Requirements Presentation with the Ministry of Finance
On May 5, 2021 from 10:30AM to 11:30AM (PDT), the Ministry of Finance will provide a presentation to assist carriers in understanding their
2021 BC Budget
Budget 2021, delivered April 20, 2021, focused on providing COVID-19 supports for people and businesses, investing in clean transportation, and continued progress towards reducing GHG emissions.
Join Us! Participate in BCTA/ BC Ferries Task Force on May 6th from 10AM to 12PM!
From the March 15, 2021 meeting, it was agreed that BCTA and BC Ferries will establish a Task Force, including representatives from BCTA (staff and cross-sectoral motor carrier members) and BC Ferries with the purpose to identify bo
Clarification of Movement of Empty Storage Tanks
CVSE has provided clarification of the permit policy for the movement of semi-trailers with permanently attached storage tanks.
ICBC Enhanced Care Coverage Update
Please note the following information regarding ICBC’s Enhanced Care coverage that came into effect as of May 1, 2021:
Changes to off-highway and Third-Party Liability coverage for vehicle rate classes 030, 100 and 170:
Upcoming Fee Structure Change for Medium Truck Tire Category
For every new tire sold, the retailer remits to Tire Stewardship BC a
Kicking Horse Canyon: Please Use Caution When Travelling in the Region
BCTA would like to remind carriers with drivers travelling along Highway 1 to use extra caution when travelling through the Kicking Horse Canyon and to educate drivers on designated rest areas along the route for commercial vehicles
Alex Fraser Bridge Lane Closures- June 2021 to January 2022
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will be completing rehabilitation work on Alex Fraser Bridge (AFB) starting in June.
Pick up CTA's latest version of the Hours of Service Book for Commercial Drivers. This book covers regulations in the USA and Canada for $15.00 each. Click here for more details.