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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) Branch instituted some provisional actions which affected how vehicle inspections were conducted and the functions they could perform to follow the advice and orders of the provincial health officer.  As BC heads towards the gradual uplifting of COVID-19 restrictions, BCTA would like to remind carriers of pre-pandemic levels of enforcement on the roads in the upcoming months.


Both BCTA and CVSE support compliance of safety regulations within the commercial transport sector, with the goal of increasing road safety. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, commercial drivers have shown the important role they play in maintaining the supply chain and delivering essential goods in a safe manner. Their commitment to prioritizing safety has been duly reflected. According to ICBC data, the number of crashes involving at least one heavy-duty vehicle decreased by 20% - from 15,000 in 2019 to 12,000 in 2020[1]. This signifies our industry’s commitment to safety and CVSE’s critical inspections ensure unsafe vehicles are not travelling on our roads.  

For more information on CVSE programs, please visit their website.



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